May Magazine

Vastu Shikhar’s May Magazine

Plot Vastu : Vastu tips for plot selectionHow to check vastu for land complete guide

Plot selection as per vastu shastra is significant because the size or shape of a plot, its position or direction, the land’s slope, and the soil’s nature will radiate positive and hostile forces. If you buy or lease a plot to construct a building, office, factory, etc., you should take special care of vastu for a plot. It is challenging to get the vastu complaint plot because the amount of vacant land is decreasing daily. Today plot is too costly and tough to purchase. Many times people are forced to buy the wrong plot as per vastu. So never make this kind of mistake and choose the plot according to the rules of vastu Shastra. In Indian vastu shastra, many tips are given on plot selection. In this article, We describe all about the information on plot vastu. I will discuss step by step how to check vastu of land. Read the complete article carefully.

In ancient vastu text, many shapes and conditions are given for land area selection. As per vastu shastra, rectangular (if length breadth ratio 1: 2 and all corner angle 90 degrees), square, and circular ( When construction also being circular ) are considered auspicious, whereas some irregular shapes are inauspicious. Square and rectangular shapes are promising for all types of construction. Today many people face huge problems at the time of plot purchase. Someone is facing financial difficulties, and somebody is facing ascendants. Every plot has its energy level. A vastu consultant analyses accurately to find the defect of that plot. People should consult a vastu consultant before purchasing any land.

How to check vastu perfect land : Information required for plot vastu
Each plot has its energy level, according to vastu shastra. This vastu energy may or may not be suitable for any business, factory, or individual home. Therefore, before buying any piece of land, the vastu of the land should be judged. Now the question is how to check the vastu of a plot? Let us know how the appliedvastu consultancy examines the Vastu of land and helps in purchasing vastu perfect plot. The following information is essential to analyzing the vastu for a Land.

  1. Measurement of land (site plan if available)
  2. Google location or drop point (For calculation of orientation of land)
  3. Date of Birth, time, and place for astrological calculation.

Steps Involved in Vastu checking before purchasing any plot:
Before buying land or starting a project, how to check Vastu of a plot by Applied Vastu is shortly stated. Applied Vastu follows the following steps in the case of vastu checking a land.

  1. Checking vastu for plot shapes.
  2. Actual direction (To identify vidisha plot)
  3. Location of the adjacent road.
  4. Availability of auspicious plot entrance.
  5. Facing of land as per owner astrological chart.
  6. Corner plot vastu (checking veedhi shola)
    Let us now discuss the six steps mentioned above in detail. I am hopeful that I will be able to answer many questions by examining these six steps in detail. Those looking for Vastu tips before buying new land online will also benefit greatly.
    Vastu for plot shape :
    In vastu shastra, the shape of a plot is significant. It is advisable to take this issue seriously when buying new land. Vastu shastra says that various shape of the land has different effects. Again, for a particular profession, a specific land shape becomes good or bad, as mentioned in Mymatam. Square land is auspicious for professionals like teachers or intellectuals. The ratio of length breadth should be as follows (L=B=B/8 ) in the case of rectangular land promising for those working in the government or private sector. For business professionals and in the case of rectangular land auspicious, the ratio of length breadth should be as follows (L=B+B/6). Rectangular ground for professionals who depend on physical labor with a balance of length and breadth (L=B+B/4).
    It is challenging to get a precisely rectangular or square plot. In the case of a rectangular or square plot, each corner angles 90 degrees, and opposite arms are parallel. In other words, even if no rectangular or square-shaped land can’t be found, you have to select plots that look like rectangles or squares.

Plots Shape & Its Effect
Square :
Rectangular :

  1. The land should be free from garbage, debris, and ashes.
  2. Shape of the land should be regular ( square, rectangular ).
  3. Slope of the land either towards the north, east, or north-east considered auspicious.
  4. Hight of the finished ground level must be higher than the adjacent road.
  5. Black cotton soil is not suitable for residential construction.
  6. Never purchase lant ant tee junction.
  7. Good fertile plot is considered auspicious for any construction, per Vastu Shastra.
    Our Consultation
    AppliedVastu, among those vastu consultancies, provides a complete guide on plot selection as per Vastu Shastra. Consult our expert before purchasing any land, setting up any building Thank You.

वास्तु और पंचतत्व

हमारा शरीर पंच तत्वों से मिलकर बना है, जिसमें पृथ्वी, जल, वायु, अग्नि और आकाश शामिल है। ये पंचतत्व मिलकर हमारे आसपास की ऊर्जाओं को नियंत्रित कर सकती है तो जल पृथ्वी वायु अग्नि और आकाश इन पांच तत्वों में सामंजस्य स्थापित करके ही को ठीक किया जा सकता है क्योंकि यह ऊर्जाएं इन्हीं पांच तत्वों से निर्मित होती है और वास्तु ही वह विज्ञान है जो पांच तत्वों की ऊर्जा को सकारात्मक बनाने में योग्य है। वास्तु को समझने के लिए पांच तत्वों को समझना होगा। सृष्टि का निर्माण इन्हीं पांच तत्वों से हुआ है ब्रह्मांड का आधार यह पांच तत्व ही है ब्रह्मांड में मौजूद सभी चीज इन्हीं पंचमहाभूतों का समावेश हैये 5 तत्व शरीर के 7 मुख्य चक्रों में बंटे हुए हैं। हम अपना भोजन पृथ्वी से प्राप्त करते हैं और जीवन के अंत में हमारा शरीर भी पृथ्वी पर ही लौट आता है। हमारे शरीर के कुल वजन का 75% से अधिक हिस्सा पानी का होता है। अग्नि शरीर की गर्मी और दीप्तिमान ऊर्जा का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है और सभी चयापचय और रासायनिक क्रियाओं में मौजूद होती है। वायु हमारे पूरे शरीर में बहती है और प्रत्येक कोशिका को ऑक्सीजन प्रदान करती है। यह प्रत्येक चयापचय गतिविधि का भी हिस्सा है। अंतरिक्ष हमारे चारों ओर है।  इन्हीं पांच तत्वों और सात चक्रों के संतुलन से शरीर स्वस्थ बनता है। प्राचीन काल में वेदों से लेकर विद्वानों तक सभी ने इस बात को स्वीकार किया है कि ये 5 तत्व हमारे तन और मन को खुश रखने और स्वस्थ बनाने में मददगार साबित होते हैं। प्रकृति के ये 5 तत्व जीवन का संतुलन बनाने के लिए अनिवार्य हैं। इनके गड़बड़ होने पर आपके स्वास्थ्य पर असर पड़ता है। इसलिए कहा जाता है कि किसी न किसी तरह इन पांच तत्वों को अपने जीवन में जरूर शामिल करें।
पंचतत्वों का वास्तु से गहरा संबंध 
घर की उत्तर-पूर्व (North East) कोने को ईशान कोण कहा जाता है जो कि जल (Water Element) तत्व को दर्शाती है. उत्तर-पश्चिम (North West) दिशा को वायव्य कोण कहा जाता है जो कि वायु (Air Element)तत्व को दर्शाती है. दक्षिण-पूर्व (South East) दिशा को आग्नेय कोण कहा जाता है जो कि अग्नि ( Fire Element) तत्व का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है. दक्षिण-पश्चिम (South West) दिशा को नैऋत्य कोण कहा जाता है जो कि पृथ्वी (Earth Element) तत्व को दर्शाती है.
घर के बीचोंबीच का जो स्थान होता है उसे ब्रह्म स्थान कहा जाता है जो कि आकाश तत्व माना जाता है. इस प्रकार से हमारा पूरा घर पंचतत्वों से मिलकर बना है और इन्हीं पंचतत्वों से मिलकर शरीर भी बना है. बेहतर और खुशहाल जीवन जीने के लिए इन सभी दिशाओं का दोष रहित होना सबसे जरूरी है

My Life Transformation: A Journey into the Occult with Acharya Pankaj

Introduction: In the depths of our existence lie mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and sometimes, it takes a guide with profound wisdom to lead us through the veils of the unknown. Such was my experience when I embarked on a journey into the occult realm with Acharya Pankaj, a legendary figure renowned for his deep knowledge of astrology and Vastu. Little did I know that consulting him would bring about a profound transformation in my life within the span of just one year.
The Encounter: It all began with a sense of restlessness, a feeling that my life was lacking direction and purpose. Despite my best efforts, I found myself grappling with challenges that seemed insurmountable. It was during this period of uncertainty that I stumbled upon the name of Acharya Pankaj, whispered like a secret among those seeking answers beyond the mundane.
Intrigued by the tales of his wisdom and insight, I decided to seek his guidance. From the moment I met him, I was struck by his aura of tranquility and wisdom that seemed to emanate from every pore of his being. As we delved into discussions about astrology, Vastu, and the occult, I realized that I was in the presence of a true master.
The Transformation: Under Acharya Pankaj’s guidance, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Through the lens of astrology, he unveiled the cosmic forces at play in my life, shedding light on the patterns and influences that had shaped my journey thus far. With his profound knowledge of Vastu, he helped me realign the energies in my living space, creating a harmonious environment conducive to growth and prosperity.
But perhaps most importantly, Acharya Pankaj served as a mentor and confidant, guiding me through the darkest corners of my psyche with compassion and understanding. Through ancient rituals and esoteric practices, he helped me confront my fears and insecurities, paving the way for profound healing and self-realization.
The Impact: As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I began to witness the fruits of my labor manifesting in tangible ways. Doors that had once seemed firmly shut suddenly swung open with ease, opportunities flowed into my life effortlessly, and relationships blossomed with newfound depth and meaning.
But more than material success, what truly transformed was my inner landscape. Armed with the wisdom gleaned from my encounters with Acharya Pankaj, I found the courage to pursue my passions wholeheartedly, to embrace my true purpose with unwavering determination.
Conclusion: In the span of just one year, my life underwent a profound transformation thanks to the guidance of Acharya Pankaj. Through his deep knowledge of astrology, Vastu, and the occult, he helped me unlock the hidden potential within myself, guiding me towards a path of fulfillment and enlightenment.
As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the profound impact that Acharya Pankaj has had on my life. He is not just a mentor or a guide, but a beacon of light illuminating the path towards self-discovery and empowerment. And for that, I will be eternally grateful.